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Donation Information

Contribute to the Cause

CARE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit animal rescue group. Your donations are tax-deductible! We are ALL volunteers; nobody at CARE receives any form of income from CARE. In fact, most of us sacrifice part of our own incomes to keep CARE afloat! Every penny goes straight toward animal rescue. Please help us help the animals by clicking the link below and donating today. Thank you for your support!

How to Donate:

• Click the PayPal logo to donate
• Click on the Chewy Gives Back image to donate supplies to pets in need
• Mail a check to the address: CARE | PO Box 715 | Lexington, SC 29071

Support Us!
Order your Pet Food at and Cullen's Archangel Rescue will earn donations!

Cullen's Archangel RescuE, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
Federal Identification #20-0931229
SC State Registration #12206

P. O. Box 715 •  Lexington, SC 29071  •  (803) 622-9813 •  caretoadopt [ at ]